Mythic Rating Helper

A bot designed to help you improve your Mythic+ Rating

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How it works:

Mythic Rating Helper works in 2 ways.

In one way it will analyze the player's alternate runs (Essentially, their second best runs) & return to the player what score they could get by closing the gap between the runs.

In the second way it analyzes the player's best runs. It starts by taking the highest dungeon they've ran, and provided whether the player has timed their highest dungeon or not, it will then adjust all dungeons accordingly.

For example, if the player's highest run was a Sanguine Depths +16, any keys below the keystone level of 15 will have its level increased to 15 and its score calculated accordingly. Any dungeons on the level of 15 or 16 would then get increased, or stay as is, depending on how well the dungeon was ran.

In a discord server, you can type !mr-helper --help for an example of how to run the bot, or you can use !mr-helper --info for general information regarding the bot.

Want to Contribute?

You can contribute to Mythic Rating Helper in many different ways. You can suggest new features to add to the bot, you can raise a bug, or you could even fork the repo and start adding your own code to it.

You can find the repository on GitHub

You can add bugs, or request a new feature, on the GitHub Issues page.

Want to Support us?

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